US News

Biden implies black and Hispanic workers don’t have ‘high school diplomas’ — and WH tries to clean it up in official transcript

President Biden has been ripped after he inferred that African American and Hispanic workers don’t have “high school diplomas” in another humiliating gaffe.

The 80-year-old president was touting the economy at Prince George’s Community College in Maryland on Thursday when he made his latest blunder.

“We’ve seen record lows in unemployment particularly — and I’ve focused on this my whole career — particularly for African Americans and Hispanic workers and veterans, you know, the workers without high school diplomas,” he said in televised remarks.

However, according to the transcript released by the White House, there was supposed to be the word “and” separating the African American, Hispanic workers and veterans from those without high school diplomas.

Biden’s speech would then read: “We’ve seen record lows in unemployment particularly — and I’ve focused on this my whole career — particularly for African Americans and Hispanic workers and veterans, you know, and the workers without high school diplomas.”

President Biden equated African American and Hispanic workers with “those without high school diplomas” in a speech about the economy on Thursday. Kyle Mazza/SOPA Images/Shutterstock
According to the White House transcript, there was supposed to be the word “and” separating the African American and Hispanic workers and veterans from those without high school diplomas. Getty Images

A clip of the slip-up was shared on X, formerly known as Twitter, by the Republican National Committee, where it was swiftly slammed.

“What an embarrassment,” one person opined.

Another wrote: “This is incredibly sad. It is also infuriating.”

Others blasted the commander-in-chief as “racist.”

Biden’s latest blunder comes amid growing concerns about the president’s mental acuity as he runs for a second term in office.

He has made a number of gaffes over his three years in office.

Last year, Biden asked during another speech, “Jackie, are you here? Where’s Jackie?” as he searched the room for Jackie Walorski, an Indiana congresswoman who had been killed in a car accident the month before.

The president had issued a heartfelt statement of condolence to her family at the time, saying how shocked and saddened he was by her death.

He also called for regime change in Russia following its invasion of Ukraine, only for the White House to later deny he meant that when he said of Vladimir Putin: “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.”

Biden’s latest blunder comes amid growing concerns about the president’s mental acuity as he runs for a second term in office. Getty Images

In July, Biden accidentally provided a lowball estimate of COVID-19’s death toll — saying “over 100” Americans have died from the disease since it emerged over three years ago.

His remarks were later corrected to “over 1 million” in an official White House transcript.

And just this week, the president came under fire again for claiming he was at the World Trade Center site in New York City one day after the 9/11 attacks — despite his own autobiography placing him in DC.

Now, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough revealed, many in his own party say he may be too old to run for a second term.

“Let me just say, Democrats off the air will say, ‘Joe Biden’s too old. Why is he running?’” Scarborough told Washington Post foreign affairs columnist David Ignatius on Wednesday.

“On the air — they won’t say that.”